Trilogy aims to: improve the hard parts of SQL, keep the good, incentivize the best, and add modern reusability, type-checking, and ergonomics.
It's intended to be approachable to someone that knows only SQL, especially if they are only acccessing the query layer. See below for a side by side of a TPC-DS query in SQL and Trilogy.
To preserve the value of the iterative SQL development loop, Trilogy includes a lightweight definition language directly in the language, meaning you query and evolve the semantic layer in the same tool - and even in the same query session. This definition language (semantic layer, ERD, etc), providing static typing/enforcement, and handling joins [1-1, 1-many, many to 1], aggregations, filtering and nulls automatically.
SQL is declarative; Trilogy queries should be even more declarative.
Trilogy Example
import store_sales as store_sales;
and store_sales.item.current_price > 1.2 * avg(store_sales.item.current_price) by store_sales.item.category
count( as customer_count
customer_count asc nulls first,
store_sales.customer.state asc nulls first
LIMIT 100;
SQL Example
SELECT a.ca_state state,
count(*) cnt
FROM customer_address a ,
customer c ,
store_sales s ,
date_dim d ,
item i
WHERE a.ca_address_sk = c.c_current_addr_sk
AND c.c_customer_sk = s.ss_customer_sk
AND s.ss_sold_date_sk = d.d_date_sk
AND s.ss_item_sk = i.i_item_sk
AND d.d_month_seq =
(SELECT DISTINCT (d_month_seq)
FROM date_dim
WHERE d_year = 2001
AND d_moy = 1 )
AND i.i_current_price > 1.2 *
(SELECT avg(j.i_current_price)
FROM item j
WHERE j.i_category = i.i_category)
GROUP BY a.ca_state
HAVING count(*) >= 10
a.ca_state NULLS FIRST
LIMIT 100;
Is this valuable? Trilogy is not the first concept in this space; a non-exhaustive list (feel free to open a PR to list more) of similar project is below.
These are all born out of the idea that SQL is incredibly powerful - it's as ubiquitous as it is for a reason - but that it can be better. Trilogy in particular aims to stay true to the strengths of SQL, and shave off some of the rough edges.
In particular, Trilogy asserts that most of the value of a SQL query is in the transformations and select; the joins and group by are when you mess things up.
Conversely, table definitions often lack key information for correct querying; the grain, primary and foreign keys, and the nullability of columns. Trilogy moves this definition to be a first-class part of the language and uses that to automate the hard parts of a SQL query.
If successful, with Trilogy you'll put a bit more thought into the modeling, and much less into the querying. And models are easily shared and extended, preserving the adhoc value of SQL.
Understanding a data model properly pays dividends over an dover in query time; Trilogy makes this 'proper' understanding something that can be reused and shared.
"Better" SQL
"Better SQL" has been a popular space. All are worth looking at! Find what works for you.
Python Semantic Layers
The 'metrics and dimensions in a DSL that builds SQL' is also popular. Here are some interesting projects. Trilogy differs by focusing on the DSL being fully expressive/queryable and keeping it close to SQL.
Why don't we all just use SQL Again?
SQL is fantastic.
SQL has been the de-facto language for working with data for decades. Data professionals can use a common, declarative syntax to interact with anything from local file based databases to global distributed compute clusters.
But SQL solves the wrong problem for the modern data stack.
SQL is a declarative language for reading and manipulating data in tables in SQL databases. This is a perfect fit for an application interacting with a datastore.
But in data warehouses, a table is a leaky abstraction. Users don't care about tables; tables are a means to an end. They want the data, and the table is a detail. Tables will be replicated; aggregated; cached - and the user spends all their time on the container, not the product.
SQL is a language for getting data out of tables in a databaase. Trilogy is a language for getting/transforming data in a [warehouse/lake/mart], with all the evolution, deprecation, and change that implies. The tables will change, but your query doesn't need to.
Trilogy puts the answers first
An intuitive query for data should be oriented around the outputs, not where it happens to be.
Seeing revenue by product line is a goal; the table that contains the products and the table that contains revenue are implementation details.
If you want to know: Total revenue by product line and city in 2025
This is what we want you to have to write in Trilogy
year = 2025
sum(revenue) as total_revenue,
But this is what you have to write
FROM fact_revenue_latest
INNER JOIN dim_city on fact_revenue_latest.city_id = dim_city.city_id
INNER JOIN dim_date on fact_revenue_latest.date_id = dim_date.date_id
WHERE dim_date.year = 2025
Over time, growing data teams tend towards SQL sprawl - duplicative, hard to follow, brittle adhoc scripts and pipelines - which are critical to the company. Fortune 500 companies spend millions of dollars trying to reverse engineer the original intent of SQL to document dataflow or lineage, or to refactor business logic when moving to a new database.
How Trilogy Solves This
Trilogy separates declared conceptual manipulation (ex: [Profit] = [Revenue] - [Cost]) from the database that stores columns and runs queries. This semantic layer
isn't a new concept, but Trilogy puts at close as possible to the SQL itself, in a familiar form - you define the semantic layer with the same language you use to query it, meaning adhoc extension and iteration is easy.
These concepts and their derivation are strongly typed and can be statically analyzed and tested against a given set of datasources to prove the correctness for a given expression of business logic. These two definitions - the business logic and the access layer - can then be independently evolved and validated over time.
USE AdventureWorks;
SUM(s.SubTotal) AS [Sub Total],
STR(Sum([TaxAmt])) AS [Total Taxes],
STR(Sum([TotalDue])) AS [Total Sales]
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS s
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory as t ON s.TerritoryID = t.TerritoryID
import concepts.sales as sales;
order by
sales.territory_name desc;
How does it work?
The example above cheats a little - the statement import concepts.sales as sales;
is bringing in a model definition.
As a semantic layer, Trilogy requires some up-front binding to the database before the first query can be run. The cost to model the data is incurred infrequently, and then the savings are amortized over every single user and query.
Models can be defined, extended and bound to a table in-line; you don't need a separate file/definition to get started. Unlike other semantic layers, Trilogy supports - and encourages - adhoc extension and iteration.
Read me in the concepts and references section to learn how Trilogy works under the hood, and the nuances of query design and setup.
Trilogy is designed to be easy to learn and use, and to be able to be incrementally adopted. It can be run directly as a CLI, in a GUI, or compiled to SQL and run in standard SQL tooling.
Head over to the demo to see how this semantic layer is defined and run some example queries.